Sunday, December 9, 2007

NorCal Tributes (NorthCoastUnderground)

Thank you norcal family for always being down (click the link above)

of the culture- bout keepin it true

so thank you for being down

- The Reverend Ron

So I'm just saying
it always shows
im workin on saying a few words at a time more like a 30-odd-6
and not being like an AK47 rata tat tat all the time.... not to speak so fast though

so speaking a rapid verse, fast like, to get your point across
can get your point across quickly ...when you only have only fragments of time to get it in
but better to be 30-odd-6
that meaning to be focused, slow and to be at ease with your thoughts

so in a sense its like a kick off team free flowing you will get hit but it dont mean that you will go down

so I'm a generator, free flowing, putting it out there... saying things the way I do ... knowing that they will be taken to inspire anyone who hears them ... to be part of their mural,

planting thoughts as seeds

shit is flying so fast already, being a hot rod generator provides your mind not to be flooded
it is like a water cooled in some way in your mind

without all the beautiful family and folks of Norcal I would not have made it

to say everyone ... including all the Bay Area hoods, all the hardcore thrashers of the bayarea concrete

all the familys in the swamps of the South East USA without which I would not have been born- thank you for life!
I hope I have served you well

and all the other counties tht were down for me and still are i thank you too

until next time - love your peoples, take care of them
and the people who hate on our culture should not hate what we do
for as a hater that hates on us, are you standing next to that person in their mind ?looking in a forward direction ? feeling what they see? if not you shouldn't say anything

so haters mind your emotions

god bless and much love

The Reverend