Tuesday, July 20, 2010

this how we do bitch of the bay(415)(510)area

much love to the bay ,i love you dearly for raisen me as fam,since day one.always love to A.P.G.CREW for allow me to be back in the game and raisen me as a dear loving family member of you and empire and be'n able to give back and be able to come back to BLACK POWER and to the bay of fam.thank you so very much for smile'n to me and trusting me and loving me as your own and all the rap musical families that within the fam i was able to meet and be lovedf as fam,always to say to SIDE INDUSTRY RAP MUSICAL FAMILY,who always smiled apon to me;that you always loved me as your own and thank you A.P.G.CREW AND SIDE INDUSTRY for saving my life.