Saturday, October 13, 2007

these boots and these spurs

to feel good about yourself, to uplift yourself, to inspire someone to smile

this is about being right ... not some fumbly dumbly, not some da da da

keepin your energy straight

showing respect and giving back to the culture that raised you

of black panthers, hells angels, hippies, pimps and hoes, gangsters and government and royal families of the world,
they taught me
and some of these families i was raised by and some
I am blood of

be like precision sharp always

its like being a race car driver, dont crash on the first corner!
so reperesent in a true sincere way ... thats what this is all about in different ways

not to be flashy of all these families that taught me... all these years work of my life

until next time take care of yourself
and spank a fine goddes on the ass when you see her respectfuly
and before she shoots you dead with a big gun tell her that you just got a reverend ron tshirt ...